Re-Design of the logo for a Thun’s soccer fan-club that will be used on business cards, merchandising and other purposes.

Moving an object around in 3D space can be a tedious and annoying process and is definitely not something a baby could do with todays versions of tools like Maya, 3DS or alike. But with the immersive tools from RoninWorks even a baby could animate a shaking rattle more dynamically.
Watch what happens when a baby discovers full 6D motion interaction.
(And yeah, after hearing this over and over again for 3 full days, exhibiting at Siggraph, we had a rather ballistic attitude towards crying babies…)
Full Frame Studios: from 3D to web, allways a step ahead.
Full Frame Studios is the label of Alex Furer. Originally trained as a photographer, Alex Furer now is an internationally recognized 2D/3D modeller and animator. He was one of the co-founders of Strategic Project Unit “Darwin” for Lego, an international multimedia think tank. Alex was a core developer in production of the award winning CD-ROM title “RubberDuck”. He worked for H5B5 Media AG, Munich, Germany, as an animator on the visual content for the two TV-Shows “Welt der Wunder” and “History”, both running on ProSieben, one of the leading private TV-Stations in Germany. After nine years of developing motioncapture solutions for the desktop and contracting for the Synthetic Reality Lab at the University of Central Florida (UCF), he moved back to Switzerland in 2012 and is now working as a freelancer from Berne, Switzerland, for several companies running his own animation and graphics design studio.
Your message is most important to me – Together we can communicate it the right way.
Alex Furer / Full Frame Studios can offer digital media from concept to content. We can work on whatever can be created, manipulated or simulated with a computer. Whether it is for your next web appearance, product presentation, architectural or multimedia presentation, your next TV show, film, animated or real. I am very flexible because I collaborate with other freelancers and can tailor a team to the projects need. I have very strong connections to qualified programmers, animators, graphics artists and scientists that can be brought on board as needed.
For over seven years Alex is also committed to bring motion capture work flow to the 3D animators desktop. The home of this venture creating a desktop 3D input device, respectively software plugIns to commercial 3D applications and VR developpers was Motion4U LLC situated in Orlando Florida.
Watch videos about motioncapture at your desktop
Full Frame Studios has worked for international companies like: LEGO (1994 Animagica «The LEGO Movie»), Welt der Wunder GmbH (1999 Dolphin Special), gvz_rossat ag/sa, Plus Orthopedics (Plus Orthopedics – PIGalielo Navigation System), MDI-Production, Breitling (2002 Breitling – Emergency) & (2004 Breitling – Bentley), Eterna (2007 Eterna 7630 «Vaughan Big Date» & Eterna 3800 «Vision»), Porsche Design (2007 Worldtimer) or Jaeger le Coultre (2005 Master Compressor Extreme World Chronograph).
Please check my 10 years gallery, browse my recent gallery, or write me to find out how I could be an asset on your next project.
This animation replaced the regular opening theme for one episode of the famous science tv-show «Welt der Wunder» hosted by Hendrik Hey. The special episode was entirely about dolphins. How they are built up, where they live and how they propagate as well as about the danger they live in. This animation was done in Alias Maya and composed in Adobe AfterEffects. I had the help of two interns at Welt der Wunder. One was taking care of the dolphin rigging and one took care of the dolphin textures while I was setting up the environment, the logo, the effects and created the main animation. Aside of the intro we made a few animations of the dolphins organism like the cooling of their blood in the tail.
In 1995 we started drafting a production plan for the first LEGO box that would come out with a CD-ROM. The main concept was to do 3D animated building instructions of the two main models. There were many more 3D animated building instructions and a lot of basic to advanced explanatory LEGO Technic concepts and much more In the final product. I would like to mention Claude Aebersold, Bjarne Tveskov and Christopher Yavelow, Michael Lawson and Juray Highdway, without them the 3D content would still be rendering 🙂 .
The production was finished right before Siggraph that year. The CD-ROM won the «Danish Design Centre «ID98″ Prize» and the «Best Scandinavian CD-ROM» Awards.
Here’s a very small excerpt of the building instructions for the Main model: The «Little Sub».
LEGO – Little Sub Buildinginstructions from Alex Furer on Vimeo.
The Lego movie is the result of the hard work of 4 – 5 partially Swiss individuals that was sold to LEGO for an undisclosed amount of money and started a $6 million feasibility phase made out of six people at the LEGO corporation which later enabled a department of 168 employees from 11 nations with nearly $50 million of budget to create the first generation of digital LEGO toys…
Logbook, The captain, «Monday, 4am, finally the last frame of the 41 layer composit rendered to QuickTime no compression on our 64 MB ram, 33 Mhz Macintosh Quadra 950 PowerHorse. We never thought it would take an end AND we didn’t miss Frodo’s birthday either.»
LEGO – The Movie from Alex Furer on Vimeo.
One day there will be something written about this.
Stay tuned 🙂
Or not.
It’s your choice.
And life is all about choice.