This animation replaced the regular opening theme for one episode of the famous science tv-show «Welt der Wunder» hosted by Hendrik Hey. The special episode was entirely about dolphins. How they are built up, where they live and how they propagate as well as about the danger they live in. This animation was done in Alias Maya and composed in Adobe AfterEffects. I had the help of two interns at Welt der Wunder. One was taking care of the dolphin rigging and one took care of the dolphin textures while I was setting up the environment, the logo, the effects and created the main animation. Aside of the intro we made a few animations of the dolphins organism like the cooling of their blood in the tail.
Kategorie: Welt der Wunder
The famous TV-sow with Hendrik Hey on RTL 2 (Germany). Die Berühmte Sendung mit Hendrik Hey auf RTL 2 (Deutschland).