Nikon D810

I a proud to be a new owner of a Nikon D810. This is the best camera I ever hel in my hands. The design is just wow. Already when you pick her up, you ralize that this body is made for professionals (oh, wait, that’s sexist…). The features and the way the buttons are setup is very well thought through. Compared to the Canon D1100 I had, it’s a complete different realm. And off course, the best thing about the D810 is the pictures it delivers. The Sensor is a beast and the dynamic range it produces is phenomanal.
I was split between the D750 and the D810. The D810 has the best Sensor you can get in a DSLR today. The D750 has a lot of new features like built in WiFi, swivel screen, awesome filming features etc. But for me the main reason to go for the D810 was the sensor. I am taking pictures of peoples paintings so they can print them in various sizes and therefore I need all the pixels I can get. Plus I was able to score a used body for the price of a new D750 at a professional shop. The body has only 9k exposures and Nikon warranty until the end of next year. So after almost a year of reserch and debates with myslef, the decision was easy.

Xaelander Hardware photos

I pulled out my 30 year old 16’000 w/s Broncolor 404 studio flash light system today and shot a few product photos.

I used a Nikon D700 from a friend and set the light table up for the accessories. The table unfortunately was not big enough for the shots of the bars but by rotating the plastic surface around 90 degrees I was able to create a panoramic white surface behind the object i photographed.

Here’s a shot of the setup using the light table. I occupied my boys room and converted it to a photo studio for the weekend.

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